Backing Up and Restoring Databases in Plesk 12.5

September 20, 2022Read time:2 min read

Backing Up and Restoring Databases

You can back up a database in the following ways:

  • Export a database dump in the SQL format. This enables you to create and download the database in a single file. An individual file can be restored into the same or another database. See the Exporting and Importing Database Dumps section for details.
  • Back up an entire subscription. This enables you to create a backup file in a selected storage (on the Plesk server or on a remote FTP server). When restoring the backup, you can select a database to restore. See the Backing Up and Recovering Websites section for details.

You can restore a database either from a subscription backup archive or from an SQL dump file in the following ways:

  • Import a database dump. This enables you to restore data from a file in the SQL format. Individual dumps can be restored into any database of the same type as the type of a dump (for example, MySQL). See the Exporting and Importing Database Dumps section for details.
  • Restore a database from a backup of an entire subscription. When restoring the backup, you can select an individual database to restore. See the Backing Up and Recovering Websites section for details.