Configure Outlook 2007 IMAP or POP Account

September 20, 2022Read time:2 min read

For messages, users should set up an account within Outlook using either IMAP or POP3.

IMAP is a protocol that keeps all messages and folders on the server. In addition, IMAP idle is an optional feature of the IMAP protocol that pushes all new messages to Outlook as they are received by the mail server. Unlike POP, IMAP offers two-way communication between your SmarterMail mailbox and your email client(s). This means when you log in to the SmarterMail Web interface, actions you performed on email clients and mobile devices will automatically appear in the Web interface (and vice versa).

With POP3, your mail is saved in a mailbox on the remote server until you check your mail. When you check your mail, all of the mail is downloaded to your computer and is no longer maintained on the server. If you use POP3 and are traveling or check your mail from multiple locations, you will not be able to view any of your old mail because the messages only exist on the computer on which you originally received your mail. NOTE: If you have enabled Outlook to keep messages on the server, you will be able to access your messages and folders from any computer via the SmarterMail Web interface or your mobile device.

Follow these steps to create an Outlook 2007 POP3 or IMAP account:

  1. In Outlook, go to Tools and Account Settings. Below the Email tab click New.
  2. Choose the email service you wish to configure: POP3 or IMAP.
  3. Select the manually configure server settings or additional server types check box. This will automatically enter in all of the required fields.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Click the Internet Email bubble.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Enter the following information:
    • Your Name: This is the display you want to use, such as Joe Smith.
    • Email Address: This is your full email address, such as [email protected].
    • Incoming Server: Contact your ISP or hosting company for this setting. It will be something like
    • Outgoing Mail Server: Contact your ISP or hosting company for this setting. It will be something like 
    • Username: This is your full email address, such as [email protected].
    • Password: This is your email account password.
  8. If your mail server requires SMTP authentication, follow these steps. If you are not sure if your mail server requires SMTP authentication, please contact your hosting company or ISP.
    • Click More Settings.
    • Navigate to the Outgoing Server tab
    • Select the My Outgoing Server requires SMTP Authentication checkbox.
    • Click OK.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Click Finish.