Configure POP for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

September 20, 2022Read time:less than a minute read

With POP3, your mail is saved in a mailbox on the remote server until you check your mail.  When you check your mail, all of the mail is downloaded to your device and is no longer maintained on the server. If you use POP3 and are traveling or check your mail from multiple locations, you will not be able to view any of your old mail because the messages only exist on the device/computer on which you originally received your mail.

Follow these steps to create a POP3 connection to SmarterMail on an Apple iOS 4 device like the iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch:

  1. On the iPhone, tap Settings.
  2. Tap Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
  3. Tap Add Account.
  4. Tap Other.
  5. Tap Add Mail Account.
  6. Complete the Name, Address (email address), Password and Description fields.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Ensure POP is selected.
  9. Enter your incoming mail server information:
    • Hostname is generally If you aren’t sure, contact your email hosting company
    • Username is your full email address
    • Password is the same password used to access webmail.
  10. Enter your outgoing mail server information:
    • Hostname is generally If you aren’t sure, contact your email hosting company
    • Username is your full email address
    • Password is the same password used to access webmail.
  11. Tap Save.
  12. The iPhone will attempt to establish an SSL connection to your POP and SMTP servers. If this succeeds, you will be done and can proceed to step 13. If this fails, you will see the prompt, “Do you want to try setting up the account without SSL?”
    • Tap No.
    • Tap Save.
    • When prompted, “This account may not be able to send or receive emails. Are you sure you want to save,” tap Save.
  13. Tap the account you just added (identified by your email address).
  14. Scroll down and tap the SMTP button.
  15. Select the server you just added, identified by the hostname from step 9.
  16. Select OFF for Use SSL.
  17. Select Password for Authentication
  18. Select 25 for Server Port.
  19. Tap the Done button to go back.
  20. Tap your email address to go back.
  21. Tap Advanced.
  22. Scroll down to Incoming Settings.
  23. Select OFF for Use SSL.
  24. Select Password for Authentication.
  25. Select 110 for Server Port.
  26. Tap your email address to go back.
  27. Tap Done to go back.
  28. Tap the Home button.
  29. Tap the Mail App to check your configuration.