Importing Databases

September 20, 2022Read time:3 min read

Importing Databases

To import an existing database:

  1. If you are subscribed to several hosting packages and have access to several webspaces associated with your account, in the Subscription menu at the top of the screen, select the required webspace.
  2. Go to the Websites & Domains tab > Databases(in the Advanced Operations group) > Add New Database.
  3. Enter a name for the database. We recommend that you choose a name that starts with a Latin alphabet symbol and comprises only alphanumeric and underscore symbols (up to 64 symbols).
  4. Select the database type that you are going to use: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Microsoft SQL Server. Click OK.
  5. To set up database administrator’s credentials, click Add New Database User.
  6. Type a user name and a password that will be used for accessing the contents of the database. Click OK.
  7. Click the Webadmin icon in the Tools group. An interface to phpMyAdmin, phpPgAdmin, or ASPEnterpriseManager database management tool will open in a separate browser window. The database management tools allow to operate database user accounts and execute SQL queries through the web browser.

If you have a MySQL database:

  1. Click Query window in the left frame, click the Import files tab,
  2. Select the text file that contains the data and click Go.
  3. Click the Insert data from a text file link.

If you have a MS SQL database:

  1. Click the name of your database in the left frame
  2. Click Query (the magnifying glass button)
  3. Copy the text of your script into the text area and click Run Query.

To manage your databases and their contents, use your favorite MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Microsoft SQL Server client or the web-based database management tool accessible from the Panel (the Websites & Domains tab> Databases > database name> Webadmin).