Hosting Service Backup Policy

The use of services from Motherhost., [hereafter referred to as “Mothersoft Technologies” constitutes agreement to these terms. You may view our Privacy Policy here.

At Mothersoft Technologies, we prioritize the security and integrity of your data. Our backup policy ensures that your files are safeguarded and readily accessible whenever needed. Below is an outline of our backup policy for Shared Hosting, Static Web Hosting, PHP Web Hosting, .NET Web Hosting, Nodejs Hosting, WordPress Hosting and Reseller Hosting:

Backup Frequency and Configuration:

  • Shared Hosting & Reseller Hosting Plans (including Windows & Linux):
    • Weekly Full Backup: A comprehensive backup of all data stored on your hosting account is performed once a week.
    • Daily Incremental Backup: Incremental backups are conducted daily to capture changes made since the last full backup, ensuring minimal data loss in case of unexpected events.

Requesting Backup Files:

  • Whenever you require a backup file, our dedicated backup service team is at your disposal.
  • Simply submit a request, and our team will promptly retrieve the latest available backup.
  • The restored files will be shared with you via the respective FTP path provided.

Turnaround Time:

  • We strive to deliver backup files within a minimum of 4 hours from the time of request.
  • While we endeavor to expedite the process, please understand that the complexity and size of your data may impact the turnaround time slightly.

Customer Satisfaction Commitment:

  • Our backup service is provided to you at no additional cost, underscoring our commitment to your satisfaction.
  • In rare instances where we may not be able to fulfill backup requests as expected, rest assured that we are continually monitoring and optimizing our backup service to minimize such occurrences.

Monitoring and Maintenance:

  • Our team diligently monitors the backup service to ensure its reliability and effectiveness.
  • Regular maintenance tasks are conducted to optimize backup processes and enhance data protection measures.

Final Note:

Your peace of mind is paramount to us. With our robust backup policy in place, you can trust that your data is in safe hands. Should you have any queries or require assistance regarding our backup services, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Thank you for choosing Mothersoft Technologies for your hosting needs.

Last Updated : March 20, 2024